Characteristics and uses of offset paper: Offset paper is a type of paper that we use daily, such as printing paper, exercise book pages, etc. Generally used are 60g/80g/100g, etc. Also known as Dowling paper, English is: wood-free printed paper. Offset paper refers to printing paper, also called coated paper. It refers to paper in which plastic particles are coated on both sides of the paper during the papermaking process to improve its physical properties. The quantitative analysis of some offset papers is between 60 grams and 120 grams, and there are also high-weight offset papers of 150 grams. Some offset paper on the market costs 7,000 to 9,000 yuan per ton.
Characteristics of offset paper:
Offset paper is a high-fine all-wood pulp double-offset paper that adopts a new papermaking method and quality control method. It has a solid quality and high tensile strength and impact toughness, which can meet the needs of fast one-sheet and rotation printing in ancient times. ; Good size and durability, suitable for multi-color printing; good strength, no powder or lint. Double offset paper is suitable for printing various promotional materials, including: various books and teaching materials, magazines and periodicals, company profiles and product catalogs, advertising inserts, maps, calendars, transportation timetables, and promotional posters , computer copy paper, envelopes, documents, books, etc. Offset paper - style of text and graphics, widely favored as the leader in my country's offset paper market, UPM Liyin offset paper has a long history in my country, and the product weight range is the largest provider of offset paper in China Yes. Double offset paper uses brand-new papermaking equipment and methods, European quality control concepts, and at the same time uses imported fully organic wood pulp and advanced papermaking raw materials to ensure the quality of each batch of products. Offset paper has high fineness, high stiffness and impact toughness, which can meet the requirements of rapid one-sheet and rotation printing in ancient times; it has good size and durability, and is suitable for multi-color printing; it is also known as good strength and does not fall off Pink hair loss, color oxidation. As a model of high-quality offset paper, offset paper has been widely recognized by the papermaking industry and the printing industry for its solid product quality.
Usage of double offset paper:
Offset paper refers to printing paper, also called coated paper (offset printing). Old Zhenling paper/Daolin paper belongs to the category of cultural and art paper (or cultural and art printing paper). Prepared by Fubon Paper Products Factory. Offset paper refers to paper in which plastic particles are coated on both sides of the paper during the papermaking process to improve its physical properties. It is mainly used for lithographic (screen printing) printing machines or other printing machines when printing higher color prints. Suitable for printing solid color or mixed color book covers, descriptions, inserts, illustrated magazines, maps, posters, color logos and various packaging supplies. The quantitative analysis of some offset paper is between 60g and 120g, as well as high weight offset paper of 150g, 180g and 300g. Not only are there light yellow and milky white, but there are also colored offset papers.